Tuesday 28 February 2012

Still Getting Moved In...

Over the weekend we gathered the last of our belongings from the old apartment.  Marco didn't call me madame like the furniture movers did but we are ALL moved into the new place!  Now the fun begins of finding a place to put it all! 
Clothes that have not found space in a closet!

More stuff that needs to find a place to go!!

I thought we had gotten rid of a lot when we left Ohio but it looks like more stuff is going to have to go!   I did manage to get the kitchen arranged so I can store food... good thing!  I'm sure I will find a place for everything else as well.  I am enjoying this simpler way of living though.  And we LOVE the apartment!!

Oh, and don't worry.... we will have room for guests!

Stay tuned.... I will post pictures of the completed apartment soon!


  1. I've been here (Cincinnati) for 6 months, and I still have boxes in the basement. Of course you have the opposite problem. Not enough space.....

    Americans really do have too much stuff, I think.

  2. Someone (Hemingway?) said that everything in your life should be useful (on a regular basis) or so beautiful as to move you whenever you see. Otherwise it is just in your way. It is either making your life better, or it is making your life worse.

    I lived on my boat for most of 10 years, and it was a MUCH smaller space than your flat. You stop wanting all that stuff pretty quickly. (Though I have to admit, I am accumulating things again now that I am back ashore.)
